🍃Spring Sale🍃
Minerals, Crystals & Fossils
"Study the science of art. Study the art of science . . . . Realize that everything connects to everything else." - Leonardo da Vinci
Studio Mineralia connects people and their planet. We offer beautiful, ethically sourced crystals and minerals from around the world, create art exploring minerals in macro-detail & design games to provide new opportunities for people to become as fascinated with our planet as we are. Our macro mineral photographs have been featured in Rock & Gem Magazine and in art photography exhibits in Montclair, NJ and Tucson, AZ. We seek to elevate minerals to the status of Art.
Our goal is to provide an initial moment of fascination, the time you kicked a rock and discovered a trilobite, that creates a new way of seeing and appreciating the Earth. Our Museum quality fine minerals, starter crystals and decorative mineral pieces are perfect for collectors, interior designers looking for something different and museums in need of a spectacular addition.
The Studio Mineralia logo is based on the ancient concept of the Antipodes "those whose feet walk opposite to ours". In geography, the antipode of any spot on Earth is the point on Earth's surface diametrically opposite to it. A pair of points antipodal to each other are situated such that a straight line connecting the two would pass through Earth's center.
Our logo celebrates the space between, the Earth itself. It contains elements of the four cardinal directions and hints of the geology that lies within.
Born of a life-long passion and formally founded in 2015, we are based in New Jersey, 12 miles outside NYC.
We search out our own minerals, partner with those that do and purchase & re-home mineral collections. Contact us!